Today, on the internet, many bloggers try to post blog posts with attractive titles such as ‘how to get 2k traffic overnight’; ‘how to win SEO game within a short time’; ‘easy tips for maximizing your blog traffic’; and so forth.
Many new bloggers are easily attracted by these posts without even identifying their worthiness to them.
I am not here to condemn these posts by saying that all are wrong or misleading but I am trying to help bloggers to identify the core points which will help them in their journey of building a successful blog rather than these attractive posts.
Use professional bloggers and their blogs to learn the tips explained in this post and I assure you as a new blogger when you really follow these tips in this post you will really move your blog to the next level in terms of credibility, recognition, ranking and even traffic.
1. Learn how professional bloggers pick and establish themselves in their niche
The blogging journey does not start when you type your first blog post and press publish button. You need to outline and set up some preliminaries before you start.
Many bloggers stuck in the middle of the way because they fail to pick a relevant niche and establishing themselves in writing about such a particular niche.
What is a niche? In blogging, a niche is the main area of coverage or super category. Is it still confusing? Really not. It should not confuse you.
Examples of niche blogs are Tech, Politics, Sports, Blogging, Marketing, etc.
If you want to succeed in your blogging career you should pick a suitable niche for you.
How to pick a good niche:
- Pick the one you are interested in and you are comfortable with.
- Perform a keyword research on your niche.
- Pick a niche you know and love.
- Pick a niche you can constantly blog on without being erratic.
N.B. If the niche is very wide you can break it into smaller sections – e.g. Sports can be broken into football, tennis, golf, etc. This will make your niche easy to manage.
After picking a niche for your blog you need to prepare an outline of how you are going to prepare the contents related to your niche. You are supposed to prepare a list of post ideas related to your niche as many as you can. This will ensure you will not lack something to write.
How to get blog post ideas:
- Visit sites like Quora and use questions on this site to formulate blog ideas.
- Use keywords research tools to find popular keywords.
- Use user comments on your site to formulate blog ideas.
- Pick popular topics on social networks
- Conduct a survey to users.
- Use Blog topic generators.
2. Learn how to prepare quality contents
Success in blogging cannot be separated from quality contents. If you really want to see a sustainable result in your blog, again you should consider how to prepare quality contents.
How can a post get 10K share or likes? Is it only because it is posted on the popular blog? The answer is No.
Tips for preparing quality contents:
- Select good eye-catching titles.
- Conduct research.
- Use examples and statistics.
- Write enough text (1500 or more words).
- Use high-quality images and infographics.
- Learn about styling.
- Proofread you work thoroughly.
Therefore, a combination of these tips will help you to produce high-quality contents.
You should remember that high-quality contents will be shared and bookmarked by many bloggers and this will give you a significant advantage in terms of traffic. In addition to that, this is the best way of getting traffic to your site because it will be referred by other sites.
3. Learn how to develop successful post ideas
No matter how and what you are writing, you need to make sure that your posts become successful.

Always avoid writing posts because you want to fill the spaces in your blog; avoid this because it will kill your blog. It is better to write a single amazing post per week rather than writing garbage every day.
What makes the blog post successful?
- It touches readers’ needs.
- It solves readers’ problems.
- It makes readers put into the practical things described in the post.
- It includes relevant examples and statistics.
As I have said in my other posts, blogging is a discipline like other disciplines. Therefore, you are supposed to do it accordingly.
4. Learn from the blogging journey from professional bloggers
If you think that you have nothing to learn from professional bloggers’ blogging journey you are not right.
Many challenges you face as an upcoming blogger are already faced by other bloggers and they had already got a solution for them. So do not ignore the blogging journey of professional bloggers.
Always follow how professional bloggers have moved from 1post, 1like and 1 visitor to 500+ posts, 1k+ likes and 1k+ visitors. I hope finally you will discover many issues hidden behind such achievements.
You should remember and not lie to yourself – a successful blogging journey isn’t an overnight journey. It is a daily practice that involves courage, effort, hard work and commitment in order to see the real fruits of blogging.
5. Learn how professional bloggers build their traffic from 0 to 1K+
As a new blogger, you need first to understand what really traffic means. Traffic is not just people opening or visiting your site without strategic reasons as we discussed earlier.
Therefore, if there are strategic reasons for people to visit your site why not deal with those strategic reasons? Successful bloggers are familiar with strategies and principles on which they work to make sure their blogs stay on the chart.
Tips that will help you to maximize your traffic:
(i) Share your blog post on social networks
If you have 2k followers on your social network why not turn them to become your blog readers? Many websites have been using this method and witnessed tremendous results. For example, the study performed by Shareaholic shows how social networks can be good sources of traffic referrals.

(ii) Perform Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Whatever quality of contents you’re producing never undermine the importance of search engine optimization. Make sure every page of your blog is well optimized to meet SEO requirements.
(iii) Create great contents
You need to create great contents if you are really focused on driving traffic to your blog.
To create great contents you are supposed to conduct research (including keyword research); use statistics, check language issues, use images as well as videos and infographics, and don’t forget a good writing style.
(iv) Send newsletters
You’re supposed to collect subscribers’ emails on your blog and provide newsletters to them. Different statistics show that many bloggers have used this method to bring traffic to their website.
In this post, I have pointed out five reasons as to why you, as a new blogger, should chase professional bloggers first and not traffic. Now you will be able to identify why the point on how to build traffic is added as my last point. It is because there are certain things that come first before increasing traffic.
I hope when you consider the points I have outlined here, in combination with passion, commitment and creativity you will increase your traffic to your blog without hassles.
Do you have any other tip? Or have you applied some of the tips outlined here? I would like to hear from you.